Wednesday, April 22, 2009


No, not the skin-irritant-scratch-till-it-bleeds kind of itching...

... the gosh-it's-nice-weather-can't-wait-for-my-schedule-to-allow-some-biking kind.

I went out to get lunch today, and it was 60F and sunny, with just a bit of a wind. Wow, it was nice. And it's supposed to stay nice through the weekend. Very nice. Downright hot kind of nice.

Now, if I can just work out my schedule so that I can make it on a bike, all will be well. Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to make a "guest speaker" visit at the University, so I don't know if that will work. Friday is looking good, though.

It's a good thing that I'm feeling antsy. I really do need the exercise.

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